Expert’s opinion: Project office of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pridnestrovie or how to get a grant
Such words as “grant”, “non-repayable financial aid” and “donor” have recently become very popular among pridnestrovian business community. More and more enterprisers rely on aid of international donor organizations that finance business in different areas: education, development of agriculture and industry, enter to new markets and etc.
And at the same time the aim of international organizations is support of developing worlds, improving people’s lives. They are ready to finance pridnestrovian business as well and they are increasingly working with enterprisers directly.
Special office – project office – was created in the CCI of PMR to coordinate work on international technical assistance projects.
How the Project Office of the CCI can be useful for the Pridnestrovian business?
Work with international organizations is a constant dialogue, establishing links with different funds and agencies, monitoring announcements of grants competition on organizations’ websites, social networks, special web-based platforms. Moreover, it’s command of the English language since it’s working language for large number of donors. It also includes clear understanding what and exactly where to look for, monitoring of timing for funding application of donor organizations. Knowledge of priority areas in financing of each donor separately is also needed. For example, an organization that supports only educational projects receives an application from an entrepreneur for the purchase of agricultural equipment. At best, this organization responds you formally, informing you about priorities of its activities and thanking you for your efforts in preparing this project. Without knowledge of such important details, the results of such actions only will be a waste of your time and energy.
And exactly all of these the Project Office can do for you!
If you want to get a grant to set up a new business or to develop existing one, the Project Office of CCI can offer you:
- Free funding consultation;
- Guidance on writing project application;
- Full development of a project, including budget;
- Translating of a project into English (at the donor’s request);
- Provision of organizations’ list that finance activities according to your application;
- Support of a project, if successful (negotiation, records management, accounting).
The CCI of PMR has been implementing international technical assistance projects since 2009. The best-known projects of pridnestrovie includes “business school”, “Business mentoring”, “Support of women-entrepreneurs”. Thanks to donor funding young entrepreneurs have got an opportunity to set up their own business in Pridnestrovie and developed it to the present day. In 10 years of its working, the CCI has gained a “large bundle” of knowledge and experience in working with international funding organizations, that is understanding of specific features of their work, priorities, project proposal writing.
Of course, decision on the financing is up to the donors themselves. Not all applicants get grants. But, as the saying goes, “Doing nothing makes no mistakes”.
If you want to get non-repayable financial aid for development in one area, you can always contact with the CCI. Experienced experts will advise you and provide further support.
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