
Pridnestrovian “souvenir”

The vote had been holding for two months on the website of the CCI of PMR. There Pridnestrovian had to choose which pridnestrovian goods they would advise foreigners to buy.

220 participants responded to the survey. The maximum number of answers – three. Total number of votes is 336.

Particular group of goods was subject to the vote:

  • alcoholic beverages
  • textile goods
  • dairy products
  • sausage products
  • cloths
  • shoes
  • confectioner’s goods
  • canned goods, juices
  • vegetables, fruits
  • fish products
  • flour, groats
  • alcohol-free beverages

In the publication the painting of Boris Kustodiev “Merchant’s wife with Purchases” painted in 1920 is used. The painting is kept in The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.

The voting was as follows: 78% respondents indicated that they would advise visitors local textile goods, 31% – alcoholic goods and 14% – vegetables and fruits.   6% of respondents pointed to shoes. Only 4% of respondents would recommend such groups of goods as confectioner’s and canned goods, juices, dairy, sausage and fish products. And only 3% of voters would prefer to recommend foreigners cloths. Alcohol-free beverages, flour and groats were set aside.

In 2017, exactly one year ago the CCI conducted a research to study pridnestrovian consumers preferences. Among the many questions asked respondents was also a question of what production they would recommend foreigners to buy.

At that time votes obtained were as follows: 53% of respondents would recommend alcoholic goods, 19% – textile goods and 8% – pointed to shoes.

* (a respondent could mention up to three groups of goods) this percentage was calculated of the total number of answers received, in this regard amount of percentage may be more then 100%. 

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