Meeting of Chamber of Commerce and Industry leadership with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France
Today, on April 27, in Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pridnestrovie the meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France with a leadership of Chamber of Commerce and Industry has taken place. From the French side at a meeting there were the deputy general inspector of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France Jean-Charles BERTHONNET, the inspector the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France Antoine ANFRE and the first secretary of Embassy of France at Moldova of Jérémie PETIT.
During this meeting the president of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Yury Ganin has told about activities of Chamber, about cooperation with Embassy of France and about cooperation between economic agents of Pridnestrovie and France. Answering questions of guests, Yury Ganin has described the current economic situation in the republic, has told about prospects of initiation of the new tax code using the VAT. He has separately noted the currency devaluation problem in the countries of traditional Pridnetsrovian export.
For better understanding of the economic situation in Transnistria, CCI vice-president Vasily Kozhan provided actual statistical data on foreign trade, and the main macroeconomic indicators.
A separate discussion theme was the upcoming IV Pridnestrovian Investment and Economic Forum. The representative of the French Embassy in Moldova Jérémie Petit confirmed the intention of the French Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova Pascal Vagogne to participate in the Forum.
In completion of meeting, guests have thanked for provided information, have confirmed interest in development of cooperation for the purpose of involvement of economic agents of France for developing partnership with representatives of Pridnestrovian business.