Experts from left bank of Dniester will be trained in an energy audit
The difficult task for business leaders is how to provide the optimal conditions of energy consumption and maximize savings. One of the main ways to find the right solutions is timely energy audit. It leads to a substantial reduction of wasteful consumption of electricity, which is reflected positively on the state of the entire production.
Properly conducted energy audit reduces energy consumption by at least 10-15%. This is the perfect way to ensure high levels of production profitability.
Today, on January 30, at the Business School of CCI of Pridnestrovie began a course at “Energy Audit”. Qualified coaches were invited as trainers, vetted by European experts, Ion Muntean and Nikolai Glinzhyan.
Training is conducted in the framework of the project “The set of measures to provide business education and staff development of business structures in order to enhance business activities in Pridnestrovie.” The project is implemented by the Chamber of Commerce of Pridnestrovie, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP.
The course is designed for 3 months and is based on EUREM program (European Energy Manager), which is implemented in more than 30 countries around the world. This program is good because the theoretical knowledge is combined with practical exercises to reduce energy consumption in enterprises that are constantly will carry out training participants.
Among the students representatives of such organizations as “EnergoElektroMontazh”, “Dnestrenergo”, “Innovation and Technology Laboratory”, “Moldovan GRES”, “Exim Bank” and others.
Observing the resulting energy audit recommendations, you can save money and time.
EUREM program provides professionals and managers the knowledge needed to identify the hidden “energy guzzlers” in the enterprise. Course participants are becoming important to them knowledge of the technical optimization of energy use in the company or institution. After the course, students take an exam, according to the results, which are issued certificates “European Energy Manager”.
During the course, each participant will perform own project, which are the subject of specific technical and engineering improvements in the workplace. Implementation of the results of this project will lead to a direct reduction in energy costs and the identification of additional potential savings for businesses.
The trainees at the end of training will receive a diploma qualifying international manager in the energy field by CCI Nuremberg (Germany). Five best participants will go to the free training in Germany with the aim of learning the modern European technology.