
LLC “Fialt-agro” is a resident of the project “Buy Pridnestrovian”

Покупай Приднестровское

Company’s website- www.blagoda.md

Products of brand “Blagoda” are about 200 names of various meat products, sausages and semi-finished products. The enterprise is equipped with modern technological equipment, which is constantly modernized, is supplemented with new, meeting all modern production standards. The production uses its own raw materials. The assortment includes sausages, prepared meat delicacies, meat semi-finished products, dumplings, dumplings, as well as canned meat.

“Fialt-Agro”- is one of the few modern enterprises in Pridnestrovie, which is an agro-industrial complex, which has a full cycle of production from the cultivation of crops, the development of livestock to the production finished meat products. The main types of production activity of the enterprise are plant growing, processing and storage of grain, cattle breeding of meat and dairy direction, processing and sale of meat and sausage products under the trade mark “Blagoda”.